The First Chinese Undergraduate Textbook on Venture Capital
(1st Edition 2011, 2nd Edition 2018)
Pascal’s multi-year collaboration with Professor Manhong Mannie Liu from Renmin University of China began in the summer of 2007, when they met at Harvard Law School’s Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century between China and the United States, sponsored together with CDRF (China Development Research Foundation) and PIFS (the Program on International Financial Systems).
The resulting Chinese textbook, Venture Capital: Theory and Practice, is categorized as one of “China’s National College Major Investment Textbook Series for the Twelfth Five-Year Plan”.
Originally released in 2011, the book covers Theory and Practice and was republished in an expanded second edition in 2018. It includes chapters on the venture capital concept, entrepreneurship, fundraising, business plan construction and analysis, investment due diligence, post investment monitoring and liquidity events.
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